Correcting & (re)Collecting Texts, Stories, Languages, Time

15th Biennial ALCS Conference 

7-9 July 2024, University of Sheffield

Hidden histories, marginalised voices and the imperative to acknowledge legacies of exclusion are dominating research agendas across the disciplines. This growing awareness of how cultural perceptions, historical practices and the ‘archive’ itself steer the way we think, talk and conduct research is leading to new practices and collaborations. With this comes a more engaged awareness that champions thinking in and with the world.

The 15th ALCS conference would like to explore the theme of questioning the UN/KNOWN in the broadest sense in a Low Countries and comparative context. We take a particular interest in interdisciplinary approaches and papers that explore collaborations between Dutch Studies scholars, translators, authors and practitioners. 

 For other questions and queries:

The archive is also that which determines that all these things said (...) are grouped together in distinct figures (...) [It] determines that they do not withdraw at the same pace in time, but shine, as it were, like stars, some that seem close to us shining brightly from afar off, while others that are in fact close to us are already growing pale.

Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969)

University of Sheffield