The 13th Biennial Conference 2019
Henriette Louwerse
The 13th ALCS International Conference took place at University College London (UCL) from 6-8 November 2019.
We welcomed over 70 colleagues from across Europe and a sizeable contingent from the US, resulting in 15 panel sessions, 42 papers, as well as four keynotes that were open to a wider audience and shed a light on ‘Worlding the Low Countries’ from the perspective of history, literature, culture and translation.
This year’s keynote speakers were
Dagomar Degroot (Georgetown University)
Saskia Pieterse (Utrecht University)
Theo Hermans (UCL)
Bambi Ceuppens (Africa Museum Brussels)
We are very grateful to Flanders House for their very warm reception and exceptional conference dinner, to the Taalunie for their continuous and generous support, and to the Dutch Centre for the collaboration with their film festival.